Silver Age Comics

This is the Silver age of comics in chronolical order

Silver Age Comics

I started here because its a good starting point to read untill the comics marvel makes today, If you don't have a lot of time to read them then I would advise you to start later.

Fantastic Four #1-7

Tales to Astonish #27

Incredible Hulk #1-6

Journey Into Mystery #83-97

Strange Tales #101-106

Tales to Astonish #35-48

Fantastic Four #8-18

Amazing Fantasy #15

Amazing Spider-Man #1-12

Strange Tales #107-114

Strange Tales Annual #2

Fantastic Four Annual #1

Tales of Suspense #39-47

The Avengers #1

Tales to Astonish #49

The Avengers #2

The X-Men #1-5

Tales to Astonish #50-57

Tales of Suspense #48-53

Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos #1-13

Fantastic Four #19-20

Strange Tales #115

Fantastic Four #21-24

The Avengers #3-4

Fantastic Four #25-26

The Avengers #5-6

Journey Into Mystery #98-104

Tales of Suspense #54-56

The Avengers #7

Tales of Suspense #57

Strange Tales #116-124

Fantastic Four #27-28

The Amazing Spider-Man #13-14

Daredevil #1-5

Tales to Astonish #58-59

Journey Into Mystery #105-108

The Amazing Spider-Man #15-16

Tales of Suspense #58

The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1

The Amazing Spider-Man #17-18

Strange Tales #125-127

The Amazing Spider-Man #19-22

Fantastic Four #29-32

Fantastic Four Annual #2

Daredevil #6

Strange Tales #128

The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #2

Journey Into Mystery #109-113

The X-Men #6-9

Tales of Suspense #59-60

The Avengers #8-10

Fantastic Four #33-37

Tales to Astonish #60-64

Tales of Suspense #61-62

The Avengers #11

Tales of Suspense #63-64

The Avengers #12-14

The X-Men #10-18

Tales to Astonish #65-66

The Avengers #15-16

Journey Into Mystery Annual #1

Journey Into Mystery #114-116

Daredevil #7

Fantastic Four #38-40

Journey Into Mystery #117-123

Fantastic Four #41-43

Strange Tales #129-134

Journey Into Mystery #124-125

Thor #126-127

Tales to Astonish #67-69

The Avengers #17-18

Tales to Astonish #70-76

Strange Tales #135-136

Tales of Suspense #65-71

The Avengers #19-20

Strange Tales #137-145

The Avengers #21-25

Tales to Astonish #77-81

The Avengers #26-29

Thor #128

Tales of Suspense #72-80

Tales to Astonish #82-83

Strange Tales #146-149

Tales of Suspense #81

The Avengers #30-33

Tales of Suspense #82-86

Tales to Astonish #84-91

Amazing Spider-Man #23-40

Daredevil #8-19

Fantastic Four Annual #3

Fantastic Four #44-51

The X-Men #19-23

Amazing Spider-Man #41

Daredevil #20

Amazing Spider-Man #42

Daredevil #21-22

Amazing Spider-Man #43

Daredevil #23-25

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3

Fantastic Four #52-54

The X-Men #24

Fantastic Four #55

The X-Men #25-27

Fantastic Four Annual #4

Daredevil #26-27

Fantastic Four #56-64

Fantastic Four Annual #5

Fantastic Four #65-72

Daredevil #28-34

Amazing Spider-Man #44-52

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #4

Thor Annual #2

Thor #129-148

Daredevil Annual #1

Daredevil #35-38

Fantastic Four #73

(last updated: 26-02-23)

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